West Coast Aerial Arts Festival | FAQs

You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Find answers to all of the most asked questions here. We recommend that you look through the FAQs before contacting our team as you may be able to find an answer quicker than waiting for a reply.


You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers.
  • Get 10% Cash Back to Schools with five (5) or more participants.

  • Experience over 21 categories and divisions.

  • Win cash prizes for the top three overall winners

  • Compete for cash prizes in the group category.

  • The Professional category has been updated, now with two divisions: Performers and Coachs.

  • Participants age 45 and above can join the newly formed Senior division.

  • Enjoy an exciting awards ceremony featuring a showcase/performances.

  • Every participant will receive a T-shirt, goodies in a swag bag, a souvenir program, and a participation medal.

  • Trophies and medals will be awarded to the top three places in every division.

  • Special Awards will recognize Creative Choreography and Stage Presence.

  • Judges’ comments will be provided in a digital format.

  • Score sheets for the top three places will be posted.

  • Participants’ assigned photographer/videographer will have access to a designated photo seat.


When: Thursday – Sunday, November 9 – 12, 2023

Where: Fairmont Private School 

Address: 1557 W Mable St, Anaheim, CA 92802

Competition will be on Nov. 10 & 11, 2023.
Workshops, Auction, Scholarship Audition and others will be spread out during the entire four (4) days. 

A detailed schedule will be posted as the festival closes in. 

There are be as many as 26 categories and divisions clustered according to age, discipline and skill available as a competition entry.  Click here for the complete Category List.

All apparatuses are welcome. However, the 3 fundamental aerial apparatuses will be their own categories. Any other apparatuses will fall under our OPEN category.

  1. Aerial Tissu aka Silks, Fabric, Chiffon, Ribbon
  2. Aerial Hoop aka Lyra
  3. Single or Double Point Trapeze; and
  4. Other standard and inventive apparatus

Novice:  Any person who, on November 1 of the event year, has had aerial arts training of up to one (1) year or 145 hours of training.   

Amateur: Any person who has not received compensation as a result of any aerial performance or for instruction. 

Semi-Professional: One who received compensation as a result of up to 3 – 5 events in a year, whether for instruction OR performance.

Professional: One who, whether intermittently or regularly receives compensation in more than 5 events/ year for either instruction or performance

Check out our Registration page for step by step instructions. See you there!

Choose between 2 packages, our BASIC and our FULL PASS.

  • Basic: $150 (until Oct. 10, 2023)
    • Participation in one division
  • Full Pass: $215 (until Oct. 10, 2023)      EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: $175 (until Aug. 1, 2023)
    • Participation in one division + 1 Workshop +  Souvenir T-Shirt + 1 Audience Ticket* + Swag Bag
    • *Audience Ticket is limited to the day/time of your participant’s scheduled appearance.
  • Basic w/ Late Fee: $200 (Oct. 11 –  31, 2023)
    • Participation in one division
  • Any additional entry is $75 each.

SPECIAL PROMOTION for schools, if you bring more than 5 students, you will receive 10% CASH BACK

Generally, we do not entertain refunds.  However, for application fees, refunds are only allowed within one (2) weeks of your purchase.  If for any reason beyond these period, you are not able to participate in any way, you may transfer the payment to another participant.  Alternatively, we can apply your payment to the following year, with fees and administrative costs deducted.  To request a refund of your application fee, please notify us in writing via email

YES! If you want to compete in hoop as well as tissu, go for it! If you want to compete in a group piece in addition to your solo piece, the more the merrier! There’s no limit to how many categories you want to join.

For any additional entry, you only have to pay $75.

Please Click Here for In-Depth Insights Regarding our Judging Criteria

Since the first WCAA Festival in 2013, we have taken the judging system seriously.  It is our priority that our judging criteria be fair and competent and aimed to promote safety and awareness in the aerial arts community.

The criteria for judging will be based on technical skills, choreography and transitional interpretation, artistic elements and overall interpretation of the act as it relates to musicality, rhythm and dynamics.  The judging will be as follows:

Technical & Execution:  60% :::  Choreography: 20%  ::::  Artistry & Presentation: 20%
Total Score: 100

Consistent with our commitment to safety, the first, and primary judging criteria is Technique.  A judge is able to recognize if a contestant has “shortcut” the system, by displaying a degree of difficulty that is beyond one’s abilities.

Please note that your acts must include the following compulsory moves:

  • NOVICE:  Basic/ Standard/ Universal Footlocks; Stand Alone Single Drop/ Roll/ Dive (no multiple, double or consecutive); Basic Entrances to Wraps and Inversions
  • AMATEUR: Straddle Climbs; at least one (1) Roll, Drop or Dive; Flexibility; Static and Momentum; and Strength
  • PROFESSIONAL/ SEMI: There is no limit provided that the contestant can safely and confidently execute the skills.

The panel consists of three (3) judges, carefully selected based on their master credentials as teachers/educators and as professional aerial artist.   One is disqualified to judge if he/she has or is a coach to a contestant, excluding workshop instructors.

Compliance of competition rules is strictly observed.   Any non-compliant action shall be penalized against the contestant’s score regardless of the wrongdoer’s knowledge/ignorance of the rules.   Noncompliance in the following areas shall result in as much as a 10 point score deduction:

  • Costume compliance (including hair accessories)
  • Duration of act
  • Any presence of props
  • Others as noted in the Judging Criteria webpage (that may be deemed unsafe, including entanglement)

If there is a tie, the score for the technical criteria shall prevail. The judges are required to score according to movements that are above the ground.  To ensure uniformity and objectivity of judging, all judges are provided with judging score guidelines (see Judging Criteria webpage)

Final scores shall comprise of the judges score, less any deductions

The fundamental categories (Silks – Lyra – Trapeze) shall have at least 3 contestants per age group.

Click Here for the Competition List of Categories and Divisions

If the required number of entrants have not been met, the organizer will make a judgment call to either move the applicant to the nearest category/ division by age, apparatus and status or open the category based on emerging necessity.

We shall adhere to the recommendations of our State and Federal COVID-19 Protocols.  Currently, testing is not required, however this may be subject to change.

Aerial Arts poses many risks including slips and falls that may result in injury or death. The organization prioritizes in safety and shall enforce any and all precautions and safety measures in order to make the event a safe place.  Mat is required.  Contestants should only perform skills that they have mastered.   If for any reason, any part of your act is considered unsafe (including any resulting entanglement), the organization has the right to end your act in order to prevent any or potential injury. Additionally, all contestants, performers and guest artists are required to sign a Release of Liability form.

Since 2013, one of the highlights of the WCAAF is the Culminating Concert that features performances by 1st place winners and last year’s 1st place overall winner.  Also included are group pieces that are put together by all participants during the choreography session scheduled on Sunday.  This process induces participants to get to know each other and work together.  Schools and coaches can also prepare in advance, a short routine for their group to present, in lieu of the collaborative grouping.  The Culminating Showcase is normally scheduled a few hours after the Awards ceremony on Sunday.  

Please check back. We shall keep everyone posted and will be announcing updates on this website as well as in our newsletters and social media

Each category will have an award consisting of a trophy/ medal and more from our sponsors.  We also have prize money for the Top 3 Overall Winners and *NEW* the Duo/Group Act Cash Prize as well. In addition, the Overall Winner will be the featured guest artist at the subsequent WCAAF.

All participants regardless of whether they are contestants or choreography artists shall be provided with participation medals, souvenir T-shirt, swag bag, and a printed/ online souvenir program. Only FULL PASS contestants are also provided with 1 Free Workshop and 1 Free audience seat. However, everyone has access to all activities including the audition for Aerial Arts America’s scholarship program.

Aerial Arts America is also raising funds and gathering sponsors for non-monetary prizes.  Information on how to get involved or donate can be found in our Sponsor/ Donor Link 

  1. Sonesta Anaheim Resort 1915 S. Manchester Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802 (3.4 miles) Group Rate: $169./per night De Luxe Double, 4 occupancy (*Breakfast for 2 guests only) Deadline: October 10. 
    Event Name/ Code: Aerial Arts America
  2. Ayres Costa Mesa 325 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Group Rate: $139, plus tax, which includes breakfast.Deadline: October 10
  • Experience over 25 categories and divisions.

  • Win cash prizes for the top three overall winners

  • The Professional category has two divisions: Performers and Coaches.

  • Participants age 45 and above can join the newly adjusted Senior division.

  • Enjoy an exciting awards ceremony featuring a showcase/performances.

  • Full Pass participant will receive a T-shirt, a swag bag, and a participation medal.

  • Trophies and medals will be awarded to the top three places in every division.

  • Special Awards will recognize Creative Choreography and Stage Presence.

  • Judges’ comments will be provided in a digital format.

  • Participants’ assigned photographer/ videographer will have access to a designated seat during the participant’s performance.


When: Saturday – Tuesday, November 8 – 11, 2025

Where: Fairmont Private School 

Address: 1557 W Mable St, Anaheim, CA 92802

Competition will be on Nov. 9 & 10, 2025.
Workshops, Auction, Scholarship Audition and more will be spread out during the entire four (4) days. 

A detailed schedule will be posted as the festival closes in. 

The minimum age requirement to register for the festival is 7 years old. A contestant’s age is determined by the person’s age by December 31st, 2024.

There are up to 26 categories and divisions clustered according to age, discipline, and skill available for competition entry. Each year, the categories slightly change based on the composition of the attendees, as the demographics shift and we adapt to the times.

This year, we have redefined and renamed the amateur and semi-professional categories to provide a more equitable playing field. We now have four (4) categories: Novice, Amateur, Elite, and Professional. These categories are further divided according to age group and apparatus.  

All apparatuses are welcome. However, the 3 fundamental aerial apparatuses will be their own categories. Any other apparatuses will fall under our OPEN category.

  1. Aerial Silks also known as Tissu, Fabric, Chiffon and Ribbon
  2. Aerial Hoop aka Lyra
  3. Single or Double Point Trapeze; and
  4. Other standard and inventive apparatus

Novice:  One who, on November 1 of the event year, has had aerial arts training of up to one (1) year or 155 hours of training, whichever is longer.   

One who has had aerial arts training between one (1) to three (3) years, or up to 465 hours, AND has not received compensation related to any aerial performance or for instructions. 

Elite: One who has had aerial arts training over three years or over 465 hours, AND/OR has received compensation as an aerial performer or instructor. Only available to ages 7-17.

Professional: One who, whether intermittently or regularly, receives compensation for aerial arts instruction and/or performances.

Check out our Registration page for step by step instructions. See you there!

Package details and pricing options:

  • EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: $225 (until Aug. 1, 2025)
    • Participation in one division + 1 Workshop +  Souvenir T-Shirt + 1 Audience Ticket* + Swag Bag
    • *Audience Ticket is limited to the day/time of your participant’s scheduled appearance.
  • Full Pass: $275 (until Oct. 1, 2025)
    • Participation in one division + 1 Workshop +  Souvenir T-Shirt + 1 Audience Ticket* + Swag Bag
    • *Audience Ticket is limited to the day/time of your participant’s scheduled appearance.
  • Basic: $225 (until Oct. 1, 2025)
    • Participation in one division
  • Basic w/ Late Fee: $325 (from Oct. 2 –  20, 2025)
    • Participation in one division
  • Any additional entry is $115 each
SPECIAL PROMOTION for schools, if you bring more than 5 students, you will receive 5% – 10% CASH BACK

Generally, we do not entertain refunds.  However, for application fees, refunds are only allowed within two (2) weeks of your purchase date.  If for any reason beyond these period, you are not able to participate in any way, you may transfer the payment to another participant for this year.  Alternatively, we can apply your payment to the following year, with fees and administrative costs deducted base on the time of your withdrawal.  To request a refund of your application fee, please notify us in writing via email

YES! If you want to compete in Hoop as well as in Silks, go for it! If you want to compete in a group piece in addition to your solo piece, the more the merrier! There’s no limit to how many categories you want to join.

For any additional entry, you only have to pay $90.

Please Click Here for In-Depth Insights Regarding our Judging Criteria

Since the first WCAA Festival in 2013, we have taken the judging system seriously.  It is our priority that our judging criteria be fair and competent and aimed to promote safety and awareness in the aerial arts community.

The criteria for judging will be based on technical skills, choreography and transitional interpretation, artistic elements and overall interpretation of the act as it relates to musicality, rhythm and dynamics.  The judging will be as follows:

Technical & Execution:  60% :::  Choreography: 20%  ::::  Artistry & Presentation: 20%
Total Score: 100

Consistent with our commitment to safety, the first, and primary judging criteria is Technique.  A judge is able to recognize if a contestant has “shortcut” their training, by displaying a degree of difficulty that is beyond one’s abilities.

The panel consists of three (3) judges, carefully selected based on their master credentials as teachers/educators and as professional aerial artist.   One is disqualified to judge if he/she has or is a coach to a contestant, excluding workshop instructors.  Contestant and judges are obligated to disclose any potential biases or relationships that may affect impartial judgment.

Compliance of competition rules is strictly observed.   Any non-compliant action shall be penalized against the contestant’s score regardless of the wrongdoer’s knowledge/ignorance of the rules.   Non-compliance in the following areas shall result in as much as a 10 point score deduction:

  • Costume compliance
  • Duration of act
  • Any presence of props
  • Skill Compliance
  • Others as noted in the Judging Criteria webpage deemed unsafe, including entanglement and falls.

If there is a tie, the score for the technical criteria shall prevail. The judges are required to score according to movements that are above the ground or skills exhibited with aerial discipline.  To ensure uniformity and objectivity of judging, all judges are provided with a score guidelines (see Judging Criteria webpage)

Final scores shall comprise of the judges score, less infractions.

The fundamental categories (Silks – Lyra – Trapeze) shall have at least 3 contestants per age group.

All other categories shall have at least five (5).   If the required number of entrants have not been met, the organizer will make a judgment call to either move the applicant to the nearest category/ division by age, apparatus and status or open the category based on emerging necessity.

Aerial Arts poses many risks including slips and falls that may result in injury or death. The organization prioritizes in safety and shall enforce any and all precautions and safety measures in order to make the event a safe place.  Mat is required.  Contestants should only perform skills that they have mastered.   If for any reason, any part of your act is considered unsafe (including any resulting entanglement), the organization has the right to end your act in order to prevent injury. 

Since 2013, one of the highlights of the WCAAF is the Culminating Concert that features performances by 1st place winners and last year’s 1st place overall winner.  Schools and coaches can also prepare in advance, a short routine for their group to present.  The Culminating Showcase is normally scheduled a few hours after the Awards ceremony.  

Please check back. We shall keep everyone posted and will be announcing updates on this website as well as in our newsletters and social media

Each category will have an award consisting of a trophy/ medal and more from our sponsors.  We also have prize money for the Top 3 Overall Winners. In addition, the Overall Winner will be the featured guest artist at the subsequent WCAAF and will be one of Aerial Arts America’s ambassadors.

All participants shall be provided with participation medals.  Those who purchased a FULL PASS shall additionally receive a souvenir T-shirt, a swag bag, one (1) Free Workshop, access to audition for a scholarship grant,  and one (1) Free audience seat for one day. 

Aerial Arts America is also raising funds and gathering sponsors for non-monetary prizes.  Information on how to get involved or donate can be found in our Sponsor/ Donor Link 

Sonesta Anaheim Resort 1915 S. Manchester Avenue Anaheim, CA 92802 (3.4 miles) Group Rate: $169./per night De Luxe Double, 4 occupancy  

Deadline: October 10.  We have a limited number of reserved rooms, so book early. 
Event Name/ Code: Aerial Arts America

There are several hotels and AirBnB accommodations around the area.  Simply search Anaheim and neighboring cities,  Orange and Buena Park

Competition | Application Form

Please visit our Registration Form page to start your application today!​

Multiple contestants? Use the Bulk Registration form.